Only the best local businesses are invited to join Avenues Club. Each time you shop at one of our partners, you save 10%-25% EVERYDAY ON EVERYTHING.
No more reading through a million restaurant reviews, no coupons, no collecting points — we eliminate the clutter & give you straight-forward descriptions & tips for the highest quality spots: Restaurants, Bar, Hotels, Mechanics, Salons (hair/nails), Pet Care, Plumbers, Spas and More! (We werent kidding about everything).
Why Avenues?
We love local. Its in our DNA; it has a way of reflecting the unique and wonderful character of a city and the people who make it home.
We are determined to help local business with the latest in modern tech to push back against the mega chains, national ad campaigns, and increased globalization which has led to the closing of so many local businesses.
Our mission is to create a local ecosystem across the country where Mom and Pops can thrive in an increasingly competitive world.
Join the Club, use it for FREE, save everyday on everything, and help us make local businesses comeback story a tremendous success!
Avenues Club: Save Everyday on Everything
Now Available in: LOS ANGELES
University of Oklahoma (Norman, OK)
Also available in: Charleston, SC and at the University of Oklahoma, Norman